1st Colombian Documentary & Short-Film Festival at Cornell University


Convocatoria | Winners | Nosotros | Programacion | Guests/Invitados | Jueces | Participantes | Enlaces

These are sypnosis and pics from the different documentaries and short films that will be shown at our first annual festival.
Estas son las sipnosis y fotografías de los documentales y cortometrajes que participaran en nuestra primera muestra.


Title:  "Back2Cali"
Directed by: Mercedes Jimenez

Year: November 2003
Language: English

El Brillante de Fondclair
Directed by: Armando Escobar Gil
Year: 2003
Lenght: 16:32 min
Rosita Alonso is Margarita Fonclair, a prestigious Colombian lady who is very involved with the Parisian elite. She arrives to Bogota with the purpose of spending her last days in the floor for retirees of the San Luis Foundation. She attracks the attention of the perssonel for being the heir of the famous Fondclair's brilliant appraised in five million dollars, making responsible of it Monsenior Quintero who is the director of the foundation that wants to posses the brilliant.

Title:  "Caro es Caro"
Directed by: Juliana Flores
A documentary about Antonio Caro a recognize Colombian artist from the 70's.
Language: Spanish- no subtitles 

Title:  "LA CERCA/The Fence"

Guión y Dirección / Script and Director: RUBEN MENDOZA

Genero/ Genre: Ficción

Duración / Duration: 21 minutos

Formato / Format: 35mm

País y Año de Producción / Country and Year of Production : Colombia 2004

Producción Ejecutiva / Executive Production: DANIEL GARCIA

Dirección de Fotografía / Cinematography: PAULO PEREZ

Dirección de Arte / Art Director: JUAN CARLOS ACEVEDO

Sonido / Direct Sound: CESAR SALAZAR


Música Original / Original Music: Juan Antonio Macias

Producción / Production: DIA FRAGMA Grupo Cultural



Francisco Maldonado se ve tristemente envuelto en una serie de sueños que lo han atormentado, en los que generalmente él, empuñando múltiples armas (el machete, la escopeta, su propia madre) arremete contra su padre, con el que ha perdido el contacto intenso desde la muerte de su mamá. Este 31 de diciembre aparece de nuevo a su puerta el viejo, don Juan Cristo, su papá, con el que además colinda su finca, para que acuerden por fin, en este último día de plazo después de diez años de la muerte de su mamá, la destrucción de la cerca que divide sus terrenos, para que ella deje de ser un alma en pena, y para que el municipio no tome a su albedrío estas tierras. Así lo dejó escrito ella en su testamento. Este inesperado reencuentro, al calor del licor, genera un diálogo largo en el que Francisco confiesa esos sueños y se lavan las culpas, para terminar en los reinos del recuerdo o de la irrealidad de los sueños, o de la ponzoñosa realidad, en una tragedia singular, en la que pasan al olvido los dolores, el humor negro, la niñez, los partidos políticos y la cerca mientras se consumen en la vereda el dolor y los muñecos incendiarios del añoviejo.

Selección Oficial en festivales

Festival de Cannes 2005 – Cinefondation

Festival de cinede Huesca  2005

Festival de cine de Huelva 2005

Festival de cine de Toulouse 2005

Festival de cine de Barcelona 2005

Festival de cine de Beijing – ISVF 2005

Festival de cortometrajes de Rio de Janeiro  2005

Festival Viva de Cine 2005 – Manchester,  UK

Gestival de Cine San Antonio, TEXAS 2005

Festival de Cine en Toronto 2005- Alucine

Festivla Internacional de Cine de Cartagena 2005

Festival latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada  2005

Festival de Cine Toma 5INCO 2005

Festival de Cine y Video La Linterna Magica 2005

Festival Invitro Visual 2005

Festival de Cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia 2005

Festival de Cortometrajes Colombianos Los ANgeles 2005

Festival de Cortometrajes Corto Circuito NY, 2005

Miami Dade College Film Festival 2005

**1er Premio del festival Toma5inco por mejor audiovisual profesional**

** Premio a Mejor Película Argumental de INVITRO VISUAL 2005**

**1er Premio del festival LA LINTERNA MÁGICA por mejor película **

Title: “Claroscuro (la tragedia de un gran músico)” 

Directed by:   Galina Likosova

Category:       Documentary

Lenght:          53´35”

Year:               2005



El  documental  “CLAROSCURO (la tragedia de un gran músico)” es una investigación sobre  la vida y obra del pianista, compositor y pedagogo Antonio María Valencia (1902 – 1952),  persona clave en la vida cultural de Cali,  director – fundador del conservatorio de la ciudad, creador que compuso representativas obras de cámara, corales y para piano, personaje que en su corta vida logró influenciar notablemente la historia musical de Colombia.

El documental narra la vida de este extraordinario músico, sus momentos de gloria y los años de esperanza y de sufrimiento, y, además, revela  la tragedia  de  Antonio María Valencia:   su homosexualidad, por lo que sufrió el rechazo y el señalamiento por parte de la sociedad hipócrita e inculta, por lo que fue destinado al olvido.

Las entrevistas con Mario Gómez-Vignes, compositor y biógrafo de Valencia, con el cineasta Luis Ospina, con Rosario, hermana de Valencia, con músicos, alumnos y amigos del compositor, muestran su talento enorme, su gran potencial creativo, una vida pública brillante y una vida privada que tenía que ocultar para preservar las apariencias.  




Selección oficial 6ª Muestra Internacional Documental, Bogotá, 2004.

Selección oficial de la 7ª Muestra Internacional de Vídeo del 45° Festival Internacional de Cine y TV de Cartagena, 2005.





Programa “Mil Años de la Música”

Proyecto de investigación audiovisual  ”Música de Cámara de Compositores Colombianos”

Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación –INTERDIS-:


Luis Carlos Rodríguez

Galina Likosova

Hernán Humberto Restrepo

Arnaldo García

Ana Claudia Múnera


REALIZACIÓN: Galina Likosova, Hernán Humberto Restrepo

GUIÓN: Galina Likosova

ANIMACIÓN Y EDICIÓN: Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Galina Likosova

DIRECCIÓN DE CÁMARAS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

CAMARÓGRAFOS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Richard Bermúdez, Víctor Garcés, Carlos Ramírez

FOTOGRAFÍA: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

SONIDO: Fernando Mora, Carlos Zambrano, Juan Camilo Vallejo

MÚSICA: Antonio María Valencia

ENTREVISTADOS: Mario Gómez –Vignes, Luis Ospina, Rosario Valencia, Alberto Guzmán, Luis Carlos Figueroa, Ellie Anne Duque, Renée Buitrago, entre otros.

Don't be one or multiple, be multiplicity.
Directed by: Adriana Ospina Mesa
Year: 2004
Lenght: 5' 40" min
Starting with a phrase by Gillez Deleuze, I make an observation about the nature of
flora inmersed in the city...it's a contemplation of the vital forms and its multiple connections, everything turns urban but its still nature...

Title:   "A Saddletree, Otoniel Orduz and his Craft"

Directed by:  Diego Briceño-Orduz


Canada & Colombia

Language: Spanish (with English subtitles)

Lenght: 49 min / color


Saddletree is a film about Otoniel Orduz, the filmmaker, Diego Briceño Orduz’s grandfather. Mr. Orduz is one of the few craftsmen remaining in Colombia who still makes saddles by hand. He employs a traditional workmanship, which has almost been forgotten today. No one has ever learned his craft. Today people prefer the cheaper saddles made out of fibreglass. The fine craft of Saddle making is now a vanishing art.

The film documents this fading craft in an attempt to introduce it to others. Here is a wonderful effort to preserve this fine trade, which goes hand in hand with a lifestyle that is also about to disappear. It is the portrait of a common man in a troubled country and his struggle to live in harmony with his land.

The filmmaker

Diego spent three years studying Film and Television in Colombia followed by a three year Film Specialization program at Concordia University in Canada. He furthered his specialization by pursuing concentrated programs in the United States. Diego soon began to focus his filmmaking career in his areas of expertise. 

In 1997, at the age of 24, he edited the feature film documentary Hang the DJ, a portrait of disc jockeys and how they are seen as contemporary rock stars. His unique artistic style as an editor received much critical acclaim. Later that same year, he co-edited A Coup at Daybreak, a Venezuelan-Canadian-Spanish co-production. Since then he has edited over 5 TV documentaries, TV series and many other video projects.

 A Saddletree marks Diego’s directorial debut.


an ARTEFACTO FILMS production in association with VOICE ART PRODUCTIONS with the support of THE CANADA COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS & NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA executive producers BETANIA ORDUZ & HENRIQUE VERA director of photography NICOLAS BOLDUC  original music by ROBERTO C. LÓPEZ also with the participation of FRANCISCO GARCÍA direct sound & assistant camera JUAN CARLOS CADAVID


World Premiere at the Lake Arrowhead International Film Festival, 2001

Awarded - Best Documentary -

Title:   "COLOMBIA Trade Unionist in the Firing Line"
Filmed and Edited by Alan Miles
Year: 2004
Lenght: 25'
Language: English/Spanish (with subtitles)
Thousands of trade unionist have been killed in Colombia in recent years. The Colombian arm forces and their paramilitary death squads are responsible for virtually all of the killings, yet Britain continues to give secret military aid to Colombia military.
In 2004 campaingning organisations War on Want and Justice for Colombia organised a visit by British trade unionist, parlamentarians and journalists to Colombia to meet with the Colombian trade union movement and learn about the appalling human rights situation that they face.
This documentary is the story of that visit.

Title:  "Despechos...."
Directed by: Erika Rettig Michaels
93 min -color

Who knows what "despecho" means? All Colombian people! A musician who is inspired by "despecho" in his music compositions, an homosexual because he is different in this conservative Colombian society, a mother because her child is taken hostage. On the streets, people buy plants to help them survive "despecho", people are going to the Clinic of Love to heal it. But it's ironic! The word is not listed in the dictionary of Colombianisms. Is it something new in the Colombian minds, in the Colombian Culture? Is also "despecho" a special new illness or does it exist in the rest of the world?


Despecho. What kind of a feeling is that? Colombians know. Musicians are inspired by it, people look for a cure in herbal product stores, go for treatment to the Clinic of Love. A homosexual knows the feeling because he is different in this conservative Colombian society, a mother because her child is taken hostage. Affected are the young and the old, the rich and the poor. Is it something new in Colombian minds, in Colombian culture? Does it also exist in the rest of the world? This film shows us a country from the perspective of a feeling.

Title:    "Desvanecerse entre arboles mojados".

Direccion: Andres Romero Baltodano

Produccion Ejecutiva: Daniel Caicedo Ortiz

Guion: Andres Romero Baltodano / Claudia Hernandez Joven
Direccion de Arte: Carolina Amaya/ Fernando Dueñas/ Tatiana Salavarrieta
Edicion: Felipe Vivas
13 minutos


En un pais sin memoria son muchos los colombianos que a diarios se
"desvanecen entre arboles mojados" por diversas causas politicas,sociales,familiares.
El video arte penetra desde una optica artistica a cuestionar la falta
de memoria y a recrear utilizando el recurso del "body art" un tema tan
vigente como nuestas muertes,nuestras tragedias.


Selecciòn Oficial de la VIII Bienal de Arte de la Habana 2003
Seleccion oficial del Latin American festival Rhode Island 2004
Invitada al ciclo de Documentalistas Invisibles Planetario de Bogotà 2004


Videografia de Andrès Romero Baltodano

Romanza para una sonambula incoclusa (videoarte sobre alejandra
pizarnik) 1992
Invitada al festival Contra el silencio todas las voces Mexico 2000
Julio esta saltando al cielo (videoarte sobre julio cortazar) 1991
Bogota High Power (documental) 1994
Jazmin quemando el cielo (documental patra television) 1998
Importaculismo toma todo (documental para television) 1998
Serie Latidos de Ciudad
Invitada a la muestra colombiana en Hamburgo Alemania 1999

El libro de almohada (programa de literatura para television ) 2003
Gilles Lipovetski (programa para television) 2003
Ganas de quemar el amar (videoarte) 2005

Title:  "El Cine es Poesia"
Direceted by: Rodrigo Ramirez & Nicolas Roman
Language: Espanol (With out Subtitles)
Colombia 2002
Edited by: Elkin Salcedo & Toty Restrepo
Photography: Roberto Quintana
Camera: Roberto Quintana, Carlos Pallares, Ivan Torres & Andres Giraldo
Sound: Damaris Ortiz
A partir de una serie de interrogantes, se descubre la obra filmica y rasgos personales
del realizador argentino Eliseo Subiela.

Title: "Entre dos fuegos / Crossfire"
Directed by: Françoise Nieto
Lenght: 27 min
Year:  2005
To finish its journey the NatiboVisa Expedition travels to the heart of Colombia. In the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta it sees the devastating effects that fumigation and chemicals for the drug trade have on the traditional lifestyle of the Kogui Indians, they see the effects of the violence that affects many parts of Colombia and learns of the efforts to try and save the largest estuary in Latin America. Most of these issues are the result of the conflict between the paramilitary, the guerrilla and the armed forces.

Title:   "Érase....una vez San Luís"

Directed by: Mónica Ibáñez



A documentary about a Peace Community located in the south-eastern part of the state of  Antioquia. 

Title:   “Es la música una claridad inefable…” 

Directed by:  Galina Likosova

Lenght:          51´51”

Year:               2005



 El presente documental “Es la música una claridad inefable…” es una investigación sobre la vida y obra del músico, poeta y compositor barranquillero Hans Federico Neumann (1917 – 1992), personaje que a pesar de su anonimato, dejó un gran legado a la historia musical de su ciudad.

A través de las entrevistas  con su esposa, su hija y sus amigos, y,  sobre todo, a través de su música,  aparece la  imagen de una persona tranquila, trabajadora, sin afán de exhibicionismo, un poeta inspirado, un creador muy sutil y fino. Una persona de mucho talento, como hay tantos en cualquier lugar del mundo y cuyos nombres poco se conocen. Es una elegía melancólica al talento humano… Al creador desconocido…

El documental cuenta con  un vasto material fotográfico y escrito y con el estreno mundial de la obra de H. F. Neuman para televisión.





Programa “Mil Años de la Música”

Proyecto”Música de Cámara de Compositores Colombianos”


Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación –INTERDIS-:


Luis Carlos Rodríguez

Galina Likosova

Hernán Humberto Restrepo

Arnaldo García

Ana Claudia Múnera


REALIZACIÓN: Galina Likosova, Hernán Humberto Restrepo

GUIÓN: Galina Likosova

ANIMACIÓN Y EDICIÓN: Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Galina Likosova

DIRECCIÓN DE CÁMARAS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

CAMARÓGRAFOS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Richard Bermúdez, Víctor Garcés, Carlos Ramírez

FOTOGRAFÍA: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

SONIDO: Fernando Mora, Carlos Zambrano, Juan Camilo Vallejo

MÚSICA: Hans Federico Neuman

ENTREVISTADOS: Sara Emilia Neuman, Sara Cecilia Neuman, Gustav Kolbe, Ellie Anne Duque, Luis Carlos Rodríguez, Miriam Pantoja, entre otros.

Title:  "Expedición por el Éxodo"

Directed by: Maria Cayena Abelló Barbosa, Alejandra Sena, Lorna Ramírez.

Lenght 27 min.

Format: Mini DVD.

Year 2005.

Sypnosis: in Colombia, the forced displacement has affected until 2004 more than three million of people. In the displacement situation, the only things that men, women and children can keep with them are their culture, memories and traditions. "Expedicion por el Exodo" is a documentary that invites to reflexion trough different artistic languages, about one of the stronger consecuences of the armed conflict in Colombia.:

Title:  "Luchando con Musica/Fighting with Music"

Title:   Fusiles de Madera  (Wodeen Rifles)
Directed by: Carlos Cardenas and Carlos Duarte
Lenght: 60 Min
Format: Digital 8
Year: 2002
The war in Colombia has really been going on for more than a century. The names of the warriors and their armies keep on changing, but the main political tendencies and historic reasons for the conflict, remain the same. In a period of time so long, violence has generated specific cultural forms, according to local conditions, in the different regions in which the conflict shows its terrifying face. These cultural forms allow us to approach one of the Colombian illegal armed groups –the National Liberation Army (ELN)- as a community of sense.

The ELN, the second biggest Colombian guerrilla, was founded in 1964, under the influence of the Cuban revolution. Its leaders came from academic, as well as peasant, circles, and even some catholic priests who identified themselves with the Liberation Theology, have been members of these guerrilla. The encounters with several collectivities from Colombian society, have led the ELN to propose a collective re-construction of society, rather than the fight for total political supremacy, as the final goal for a revolution.

This ethnographic film is the result of an anthropological research, with one of the ELN communities, during a school-camp where new guerrilla soldiers –“guerrilleros”- were being formed and trained. Approaching the whole experience as a ritual, in which a status is transformed -according to several beliefs and values the rebel community possesses, the film tries to pull of the cliché mask off the warrior´s face; the “guerrillero”, as a stereotype simplified and unidimensionalized by the mass-media, is definitely an obstacle in the long and painful way to peace.

The audiovisual material used in these film was initially very important as data for the global research process (as visual fieldwork diaries, fieldwork interviews, ethnographic records, or short video exercises made by “guerrilleros”, as a result of video workshops with them), in what we consider an application of a visual anthropology.


Ojo-Cámara - II Muestra de Video Antropológico, Octubre 2002. Bogota, Colombia

Official Selection IV Muestra Internacional de Cine y Video Documental, Noviembre de 2002, Bogotá, Colombia.

Official Selection Festival Voces contra el silencio, Agosto de 2004, México, D.F., México.

Congreso Chileno de Antropología, Diciembre de 2004, Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Congreso Latinoamericano de Antropología, Julio 2005 Rosario, Argentina.

Congreso Colombiano de Antropología, Agosto 2005, Santa Fé de Antioquia, Colombia.

Official Selection 10a Mostra Internacional do Filme Etnográfico, Septiembre 2005, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. 


Title: "Hector Giraldo: A Colombian Story"
Directed by:Julie Rosemberg
Language: Spanish/English
Lenght: 24' 14"
Country: USA
In the face of death threats Hector decides to leave Colombia and spend
a year in the U.S. through an AFL-CIO sponsored program.
This documentary follows Hector during his time in the U.S. as he works with American unions on their issues while trying to educate Americans about how the US-funded Plan Colombia supports paramilitary violence that has threatened his life.

Title: "Humans"

Directed & Edited by:  Diego Espinosa

Production:  Sonia Barrera & Diego Espinosa

Co-Production:Crear TV & Ambar producciones

Year: 2005

Lenght: 42 min.

Sypnosis: Inspired by four subjects taken from daily life and from the reality of the city of Pereira-Colombia, the feature film HUMANS is a cinematographic journey that pretends to color our unique and special national reality with true magic and poetry. Within the untemporary nature of poetry and the ambiguity of human beings,  four stories are narrated, which do not pretend to be historic or biographic reconstructions, but just to make a human and personal experience film where the accompanying of our characters during short periods of their existence, along with a strong aesthetics proposal, daring and particular in each one of the stories, gives a testimony of documentary image in this place still unexplored by the national and worldwide cinematographic vision. This is how we have given life to a film shot in 16mm, which is able to give atmosphere to the stories of Jose Arturo Sierra "The Apparition", a homeless guy who lives in the streets of the city. David, Freddy, Ricardo and Caliche :The transvestites Prima Donnas of the underground bar "Territorio", Hector Escobar Gutierrez, a poet, alchemist magician and Satanist, known worldwide with the appellative of the Black Pope and a fourth story, an epilogue of an ethereal and particular journey through a unique and special "place in the world"

"Imperio de los Andes, en guerra contra los pobres"

Dirección: Melissa Herman y Pablo Conde

Duración: 50 Minutos

Genero: Documental

Fecha: 2004

Lenguaje: Ingles/ Español 



El documental analiza de manera crítica las estrategias y los efectos de la política exterior y económica de EE.UU. en Latinoamérica, enfocando la atención en Colombia y Ecuador. Desde la aplicación del Plan Colombia en 2000 y posteriormente la Iniciativa Regional Andina, ambos multimillonarios paquetes de ayuda militar otorgados para reducir la producción y distribución de drogas, los países andinos están experimentando una remilitarización y un aumento de la violencia que está afectando a las comunidades locales, especialmente aquellas en la frontera de Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela.

La violencia y la degradación medioambiental provocada por la fumigación de cultivos de droga, acentúan la pobreza, mientras el cultivo y tráfico de cocaina y heroina continúa. El foco de la política exterior de EE.UU. ha cambiado la guerra contra las drogas por la guerra contra el terrorismo. Sin embargo, el problema de la producción sigue sin resolverse para los millones de campesinos que viven en la pobreza, y las políticas promovidas por EE.UU. no sólo no van a la raíz del problema que es la demanda, sino que están diseñadas para aterrorizar a la sociedad civil organizada y expulsar a los campesinos de zonas ricas en recursos naturales para que las multinacionales las exploten.
La sociedad civil de la región andina ha establecido una creciente oposición al desarrollo de estas políticas neoliberales, aunque los medios de comunicación de masas no se hagan eco de este hecho. Ni la ayuda militar ni el Area de Libre Comercio de la Américas (ALCA)promovida por EE.UU. benefician a la mayoría de la gente de esta región, que quiere construir el camino para una paz duradera.

Title:  "La soga de la Muerte"
Directed by:   Juan Rueda
A Documentary about yagué (ayaguasca) and "el santo daime".
filmed in Perú and Brazil.

Title: Legally Blind/Ciega Legal
Directed by: Ingrid Rojas
Lenght: 30 min
Year: 2005
When the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11, not only three thousand people died, thousands were also left unemployed. This is the story of Maria, a legally blind, Colombian immigrant, who lost her government sponsored vending stand after the
building that housed it, was shut down indefinitely because of its proximity to the
World Trade Center. Following Maria for two years, “Legally Blind” is an emotional
half-hour documentary that explores themes of loss, alienation and the search for a place to call home.
Ingrid Rojas is a Colombian filmmaker living in New York City. She has worked as Associate Producer and Researcher for various PBS documentaries and currently works as AP on a series for The History Channel. She holds a BS on Film Production from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s the recipient of the Fall 2003 Film/Video Arts Foundation’s mentorship for her work as Director/Producer of the upcoming half-hour documentary titled “Legally Blind”.

Title: "Little Voices/Pequeñas Voces"
Directed by: Eduardo Carillo
Little Voices is a film made with children who are displaced and victims of violence in Colombia. This film is driven by real children's stories, which they told using their own voices.  The stories are illustrated by paintings and drawings made especially for this film by the children and later animated using 3D-computer animation.
The result is a unique and powerful hybrid of documentary and computer animation, rooted in the real experiences of real children.
Winner - 2003
International Film Festival Rotterdam Anabel Andujar Alfonso AWAR for Documentary Projects.
Official Selection in the section New Territories of the 60th Mostra Internazionale D'Arte Cinematografica, Italy.
Winner - International Festival of Independent Documentary. Doc. part of the 35th International FIlm Festival of Atlantic, Alcanzes Cadiz, Spain.
Winner - Mecal -International Short Film Festival. Barcelona, Spain.
Special Mention - IV Festival of Audiovisual Creation, City of Madajahonda. Madrid, Spain.
Special Mention by Unicef st International Television Festival. Barcelona, Spain.

Title: "Llegaron las ballenas"
Directed by: Françoise Nieto
Lenght: 27 min
Year; 2005
The NatiboVisa expedition enters Colombia, and the breeding water for the South Pacific Humpback whale. The investigation they started in Patagonia is coming to an end. An unexpected accident takes them to Guapi where they come in touch with the cultural legacy of the afro-colombian population. The 4x4`s continue their journey to Buenaventura and Pasto while the boat explores the island of Gorgona

Title: "Los Archivos de pablo Escobar"

Ficha Tecnica:


Productor: Francoise Nieto Fong

Director: Marc de Beaufort

Editores: Juan Carlos Isaza Camacho, Paola Rey, Carlos Eduardo Aparicio

Cámara: Luigi Baquero

Producción de sonido: Alejandro Gómez Upegui

Música: Kai Van Tongeren, Ricky Ortiz, Jorge Pizarro

Formato de producción: Video

Formato de exhibición: Video

Año de producción: 2003




Over ten years have passed since the death of Pablo Escobar, the most feared drug
dealer in the world, a beloved hero to many of Colombia's poor and Public
Enemy #1 to the Colombian and U.S. governments . For the first time, the
history of the infamous drug lord is being told from the point of view of
those family members and associates closest to him. Culled from over 600
hours of intimate,  never-before-seen footage given to the director by
Escobar's family, with  revealing interviews with his mother and siblings,
Marc de Beaufort's arresting documentary unveils Escobar's personality,
depicts the outrageous spending of his  fortune (including his staggering
Hacienda Nápoles -a compound complete with exotic animals)  and elucidates
the origins of the Latin American drug trade.  Archivos Privados poignantly
captures the contradictions of Escobar, whom many Colombians considered a
modern-day Robin Hood - a candid and generous man (he donated millions to
the poor) yet also a brutal and ruthless criminal accused of numerous
drug-related and political assassinations that changed the course of
Colombian history.

This week only: $10.00

Title:  "Los niños de Hollywood"


Directed by: Alex Gómez


Lenght: 8 minutos


Title:   "Mayday Colombia"
Directed by: Tom Feiling
In May 2003 War on Want and Justice for Colombia took four further and higher education workers to Colombia. In a country in which more trade unionists are murdered each year than in the rest of the world put together, teachers and lecturers are the most targeted group of workers – accounting for nearly half of all those killed.

The horrors we learnt about shocked us all deeply, while the bravery of those we met has left us with memories which we will carry for the rest of our lives.

This report accompanies a video which can be obtained from War on Want or Justice for Colombia.

The delegation and report was produced as part of a programme of funding from the European Union and Department for International Development.

Title:   "Moving Forward/ Un Paso Adelante"

Directed, produced & edited by:Karen Zider


Language: Spanish/English


Lenght : 27' minutes




Microcredit may just be a theory to some, but to three low-income work hard to take the stigma out of poverty and provide a better life for their families. Moving Forward is a powerful and inspiring tool that portrays the challenges that Luz Marina, Nancy and Consuelo have to face while revealing the impact of microcredit in their lives.
The documentary gives an in-depth perspective at these women's
personal struggle providing a positive viewpoint while exploring the microcredit in improving low income people's lives, as well as reveals how small seeds can bring fruitful results when

people are given a chance to fulfill their potential.




Karen Zider – Documentary Filmmaker


Karen Zider has worked on several documentary productions

and Political Science, as well as worked in the National Geographic Channel

and in several documentary productions. She is currently working in

an independent production company in Washington, DCl.

Title:   "Negro con Negro da Calor"

Directed by Rodrigo Ramirez & Nicolas Roman


Category: Documentary


"Many people in Colombia do not want to be black,  further more, they despise each other in a demonstration of racism that they never express openly. Eventually is a prohibition that does not seem to be, being, a hypocritical attitude that attempts surreptitiously against the self-esteem and the sense of ownership"


Rubén Darío Álvarez


"If genetics showed that the Man is native of Africa,

That means that all we are afro-descendants, then….Where does that melanin-phobia comes from?"


Franklin Howard





XXVI Festival International del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de la Habana, Cuba.

XLV Festival Internacional de Cine y T.V. de Cartagena.

I  Festival Intenacional de Cortos " El Espejo"  Bogotá, Colombia.

V Muestra de Cine Colombiano "El ojo Cojo" Espana.

V Muestra Internacional de Cortos Barranquilla, Colombia.

V Muestra de Documental de Albacete, España.

II Festival de Cortos en Cusco, Perú.

IV Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Video Documental Independendiente, Mexico.

IV Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Video Documental Independiente, México 

Title:  "passive voice"

Directed by: Lina Rodriguez

Genre: Fiction


Lenght: 15 min.

The distance between different worlds becomes apparent when a couple
is trapped in their deteriorating relationship amidst terrorist
attacks in Colombia reported on television.

La distancia entre los diferentes mundos es aparente cuando un hombre
y una mujer están atrapados en la crisis repetitiva de su relación de
pareja en medio de ataques terroristas en Colombia  reportados en


2003 - Cycle

Alucine Toronto Latino Film and Video Festival 2003 (Toronto, Canada)
Honorable Mention for Best Experimental Short Film
Harbourfront Centre Ritmo y Color 2004 (Toronto, Canada)

12th Bogotá International Film Festival 2004 (Bogotá, Colombia)
Short Film Festival El Espejo 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)
Museum of Modern Art 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)
International Festival of Cinema and Technology 2005 (New York, USA)
Beyond our Roots @ The Drake 2005 (Toronto, Canada)
Short Film Festival El Espejo 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)
Linterna Magica Short Film Festival 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)
Best Short Film Award

2004 - In Memoriam
Festival des Films du Monde 2004 (Montreal, Canada)
Cinesiege (2004) Toronto, Canada
University of Toronto Film Festival 2005 (Toronto, Canada)
Alucine Toronto Latino Film and Video Festival 2005  (Toronto, Canada)
45th Cartagena International Film and Television Festival 2005 (Cartagena, Colombia)
Short Film Festival El Espejo 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)
13th Bogotá International Film Festival 2006 (Bogotá, Colombia)
Female Eye Film Festival 2005 (Toronto, Canada)

Nominated for Best Short film
Linterna Magica Short Film Festival 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)

Museum of Modern Art 2005 (Bogotá, Colombia)

"Plan Colombia: Guerra Anti-Drogas o Pro-Petroleo?"
Directed by: Gerard Ungerman & Audrey Brohy

Title: "Por Amor al Barrio"
Directed by: Daniel Vallejo
Photography: Carlos Duque
Investigation y guion: Daniel Vallejo
Production: Daniel Vallejo
Asistants: Ivonne Astudillo, Manuel Vallejo
Sound: Fabricio Perez
Format : Betacam SP
Year:  2001


Con imágenes de rostros entre cortados semejando los comics policíacos de los años treinta, se ve  a un hombre joven teniendo como fondo imágenes de su  barrio narrando entre sombras su accionar como asesino de delincuentes en uno de los sitios  más peligrosos de la ciudad de Cali, el barrio Siloé.

Este documental nos muestra desde lo más profundo de la violencia, la forma como son asesinados los drogadictos y ladrones de un sector de la ciudad, son decenas de personas que son sentenciadas a  muerte por este grupo de limpieza social sin que las fuerzas policiales hagan algo por evitarlo. En Colombia no existe la pena de muerte sin embargo esta la ejecutan brazos oscuros  e invisibles de la sociedad. Donde no existe la ley  institucional, se presentan otras manifestaciones de impartir el orden, esta es una de ellas.

Daniel Vallejo:

Comunicador social y documentalista por más de diez
años ha sido profesor universitario por más de tres años  y ha adelantado
diversos trabajos en el campo de la violencia. Actualmente, se encuentra
desarrollando el primer centro medidor de la violencia  juvenil del país, como un
centro de vigilancia y monitoreo de los comportamientos violentos de los
jóvenes de Colombia. Proyecto que busca actualmente  financiación.


Title: "Punto de vista"

Directed by:  Adriana Mariño and Carl D. Brown. 

Focusing on the issues of war, violence and oppression in Colombia, “Punto de Vista” provides an intimate portrayal of the incredible youth that participates in a program called Shooting Cameras for PeaceShooting Cameras for Peace is an educational non-profit that teaches photography and writing workshops to children living in displaced communities outside Colombia’s capital, Bogotá. The mission of “Punto de Vista” is to give an accurate depiction of the current social landscape in Colombia and provide a revealing account of an effective educational program that uses the power of photography and writing to provide a vision of hope for the future to its young participants. This film will inspire audiences to support creative and educational programs that have the ability to uplift, heal, and empower both children and entire nations ravaged by war and poverty. To view the youth's photographic work, to learn more about the film and to watch the promotional trailer visit: www.corduroymedia.com.

Tilte: "Putumayo: Suenan las Campanas"
Directed by:  Christian Delgado & Alexandra Fierro
Lenght:          33'
Subject:         Documentary
A documentary about the life of a priest who dedicated his life to help indigenous
communities and women to achive their independance.

Title: "Residents on the railroad"


Directed by : Adriana Ospina Mesa
Year: 2004
Lenght: 3' 56" min
This video is an acknowledgement of object and characters of Bogota, anonymous beings that fade in the memory images of the ones reside in this city, starting from fragments or events that happend in this forgotten habitat.

Title:   "Semillas de Paz/ Seeds of Peace"
"Sowing peace in the Atrato river"
Directed by: Gregory Patrick O'Toole
Category: Documental
Lenght: 20 min.

Year: 2005

Title: "The silence and the path"
Directed by: Adriana Ospina Mesa
Year: 2004
Lenght: 5':56" min
The silence that evolves in mind spaces created during meditation and contemplation states and the path that carries the journey of images from memories and sounds that emerge within.
...are the entrace to a forest of thought, revealing a path from black and white to color, searching for the blooming spirit.

Title: "Colombia: This Little Old Town"

Directed by:  Deborah Correa and Brittney Borjeson


Set in the rural and urban communities of present day Colombia, this documentary tells the story of the displaced campesinos and their families. Men, women and children, innocent people who have been forced to run from their homes because of the violence between the feuding extremist armed rebels.  The displaced are fighting to reclaim their way of life and their land.  Finding the cities hostile and foreign, most think the only hope for their children is to return- despite the danger.  This story is about their brave act of defiance in the face of possible death.

Title:  "Time was Money"
Directed by: Felipe Puig
Genre: Short/Animation

Year Production: 2003

Sipnosis: Time was money for others. Three personages within a clock symbolize the classes of indusgtrial Capitalism. The aim is not happy.
Production: University of the Balearic Islands. Masters MAISCA

Format: Technical DVD: 3D

Software: Alias Maya WaveFront 4,5, Adobe Photoshop 7, Premiere and After 5,5 Effects Sound: Estereo total Time 4' 20 ''

Competitions and festivals:

Nomination and exhibition  4st International Short Film Festival Almeria En Corto 05, 24 of May to 4 of June 2005, Almeria, Spain.

Nomination and exhibition Ottavo concorso Inventa un film Lenola 2005, 26 to 29 of May 2005, Lenola, Italy.

Nomination and exhibition 3st  Audio visual Festival of New Formats TOMA CINCO, 6 to 12 of May 2005, Bogota, Colombia.

Nomination and exhibition 18 st  Medina del Campo Film Festival, 4 to 17 of April 2005, Valladolid, Spain.

Nomination and exhibition 1st International Festival of Animation Films FLIP (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), 1 to 3 of April 2005, Valparaíso, Chile.

Nomination and exhibition MFA Planet Europe Short Film Festival 2005. (Mallorca film Academy), 15 to 19 of mach  2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Nomination and exhibition 45th Cartagena International Festival of TV and Films, 4 to 11 of March 2005, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Preselection IMAGINA 2005  (The 23 th European digital Content Creation Trade Show) 2 to 5 of February 2005, Montecarlo, Monaco.

Nomination and exhibition FILMETS Badalona 2004 (Badalona International Cinema Festival) 20 to 27 of November 2004, Barcelona, Spain.

Nomination and exhibition PISAF 2004 (The 6 th Puchon International Student Animation Festival) 5 to 9 of November 2004, Seoul, Korea.

Nomination and exhibition Loop 2004, 25 of October to 6 of November 2004, Bogotá, Colombia.

Nomination and exhibition Evreux International Festival of Short Films, 16 to 17 of October 2004, Evreux, France.

Nomination and exhibition 16 th Girona Cinema Festival, 7 to 12 of October 2004, Girona, Spain.  

Nomination and exhibition 19 th Isfahan International Festival of Film and Video for Children and Young Adults, 3 to 8 of October 2004,Tehran,Iran.

Nomination and exhibition SICAF 2004 (7 th Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival), 4 to 10 of August 2004. Seoul, Korea.

Title: "Viajero de mi mismo"
Directed by:  Galina Likosova, Hernán Humberto Restrepo
Lenght:          55´35"
Category:      Documental   



Adolfo Mejía Navarro fue una persona muy sencilla y a la vez enigmática. La música y la poesía eran su hábitat natural. Sus estudios esotéricos y su vida bohemia dieron como resultado su despreocupación por el destino de sus obras musicales que regalaba a los amigos  y por eso muchas de ellas se perdieron. Por fortuna, se preservan las obras sinfónicas como La Pequeña Suite, los poemas sinfónicos América, Íntima, piezas para piano, música de cámara y el bolero Cartagena que se volvió una tarjeta de presentación de la ciudad.

Las exclusivas entrevistas con sus amigos como Julio Lorduy, Gustavo García Márquez, Jaime León, Gustavo Lemaitre, Pincho, con su biógrafo Enrique Luis Muñoz y con sus hijos y familiares muestran a una persona muy culta, con una espiritualidad profunda, y al mismo tiempo amante de la vida bohemia. El maestro Mejía dedicó todo su arte a la ciudad de Cartagena que, infortunadamente, “no lo supo comprender ni exaltar debidamente y a tiempo.”

 El documental “…viajero de mí mismo…” del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación – INTERDIS- de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, es una investigación sobre la vida y obra de ADOLFO MEJÍA NAVARRO (1905-1973), hijo adoptivo de Cartagena de Indias, en el centenario de su natalicio.



Selección oficial 100% COLOMBIE DOCUMENTAIRE, Festival de documentales colombianos,  París, 2005.

Selección oficial XXII Festival de Cine de Bogotá, 2005,

Nominado Premio Documental sobre Arte “ENRIQUE GRAU”, XXII Festival  de Cine de Bogotá, 2005.

Selección oficial 27° Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, La Habana, Cuba, 2005.





Programa “Mil Años de la Música”

Proyecto de investigación audiovisual  ”Música de Cámara de Compositores Colombianos”


Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación –INTERDIS-:


Luis Carlos Rodríguez

Galina Likosova

Hernán Humberto Restrepo

Arnaldo García

Ana Claudia Múnera


REALIZACIÓN: Galina Likosova, Hernán Humberto Restrepo

GUIÓN: Galina Likosova


DIRECCIÓN DE CÁMARAS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

CAMARÓGRAFOS: Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Richard Bermúdez, Víctor Garcés, Carlos Ramírez

FOTOGRAFÍA: Hernán Humberto Restrepo

SONIDO: Argiro Restrepo,  Fernando Mora

MÚSICA: Adolfo Mejía

ENTREVISTADOS: Enrique Luis Muñoz, Livia Mejía, Gustavo Lemaitre, Gustavo García Márquez, Eduardo Carrizosa, Egberto Bermúdez, Pincho, Jaime León, Teresita Gómez, entre otros.

Title:  "Violet of a thousand colors"

Directed by:  Harold Trompetero


Genre:  Fiction

Format:  DVCAM for transfer to 35 mm

Approx Duration: 75 minutes

Language:  English

Script:  Eduardo Parra and Harold Trompetero

Translation:  Rachel Olivares





Surrounded by candles and immersed in petals, a woman tired of a life with no apparent purpose carefully prepares her scene of death in a bathtub, turning a suicide into a ritual.  As she floats, each drop from her veins becomes mixed with the warm water and it is then she begins to remember her life in small fragments and moments.   As the moment of death grows nearer she recollects the good and bad times, the sorrows and joys, in short, the moments that simple yet complex make life, life. It is these small moments of memory that force her to make a choice; either accept her life as is or end it. She overcomes all fears and discovers that secret of life is simply to be who you are without exception; as rebellious, intense, sincere and pure as her memories.

Tomas de Guerra / War takes

Directed by: Patricia Castaño & Adelaida Trujillo

Produced in: Colombia/England

Lenght: 78 min

Year: 2002


For over four years, three Colombian filmmakers turned their cameras on themselves, using personal stories to expose the tough reality in their violent, war-ravaged country. According to these filmmakers, Colombia has been functioning for many years in the gray area between legalism and lawlessness. Their portrayal does not aim to confirm the image the outside world has of Colombia as a hotbed of excessive political violence and drug traffic, but instead draws out the beauty and warmth amidst the larger turmoil within their homeland. The humor borders on surreal as the film moves between conversations in the jungle with guerrillas to elegant dinner parties with society's elite. War Takes allows the real lives of its heroes, forever changed by war, to break through the stereotypes, forcing us to rethink our own conceptions, or misconceptions, of the beliefs and values by which these Colombians live.

Title:  Who Shot my Brother?

Directed by: German Gutierrez

Produced by: Carmen Garcia

Year: 2005

Running time: 95' 29"



Some phone calls can turn your life upside down. That's what happened to filmmaker German Gutiérrez when he got a call from Colombia informing him there had just been an assassination attempt on his older brother Oscar, a political activist hated by the establishment but adored by the disenfranchised. In this film, German Gutiérrez, who has been living in Montreal for the past thirty years, recounts his quest to find the hired gunmen who tried to kill Oscar, and also to expose the roots of the violence that has taken hold of his native country.

This beautifully filmed political documentary takes a courageous look at what Colombia has become: a lawless, neo-liberal Far West run by a corrupt middle class; an Eldorado where oil is more precious than gold and where Americans are the puppet-masters pulling the strings while drug traffickers, guerrillas, and paramilitaries engage in all-out combat with each other as the war on drugs rages on.

¿Y donde están los sucios?


Pobreza, violencia, narcotráfico, problemas de alcantarillado,
inflación y abandono definen al puerto principal de Colombia en el océano pacifico;
Buenaventura. Sin embargo, la gente de sus barrios nos demostró lo contrario: las
dificultades son oportunidades. Madres cabeza de familia que educan
miles de niños con el único propósito de servir a su comunidad.
Un antropólogo un comunicador social y una artista plástica, emprenden
un viaje para hacer un documental sobre escuelas populares en
Nunca habían estado en este lugar y es difícil definirlo en tan corto
tiempo pero esta mirada a través de Buenaventura nos hace entender la grave
situación en una  zona de Colombia que no parece ser  una prioridad
para el gobierno ni para nadie.

¿Who is to blame?
Poverty, violence, drug dealing, inflation and abandonment are words
that define Buenaventura, the largest Colombian port to the Pacific Ocean.
An anthropologist, a social communicator and an artist, take on a new
journey to a place they had never been to and find the warmth of the
people and their energy to live, overwhelming.
We found in the poorest neighborhoods of this city an alternative.
Mothers’ head of family lend their houses to the community and build popular
schools for the children.

Title:   "Yo amo mi bus".

Directed by: Enrique Delgado


Edited by:     Christian Delgado

Lenght:         14' 37"



A documentary about bus drivers in Bogota Colombia and their passion and love for

maintaining their buses decorated.



II Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes  El Espejo.

Junio de 2005. Bogotá, Colombia.